Thursday, December 13, 2007

First Halo 3 DLC Released!

Yesterday, the first piece of downloadable content for the best-seller Halo 3 developed by Bungie was released. Dubbed the 'Heroic Map Pack' the content cost a whopping 800 Marketplace Points, the equivalent of around US$10. Three new maps were included in the pack, named Rats Nest, Foundry and Standoff. Foundry being the most interesting, as it lets users completely wipe the map in Forge, leading to interesting creations. A quick scan of's File Share should see you through a couple of classic map remakes from Halo's 1 & 2. The inclusion of a giant soccer ball in the map editor has sparked some creativity, using dumpsters as goals and using Gravity Hammers (and your opponents body) to force the ball into the net.

Meanwhile the Burnout: Paradise demo has been released on the Xbox Live Marketplace and the Playstation store for the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 respectively.

Thanks for reading and happy gaming!

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